Love Temples and Love Temple Immersions to nourish your sensual, erotic soul. PRISTINE INTIMACY, natural and in its original, untouched condition.

If you long for a wild, sensitive, and nurturing community,

if you feel ready to deepen your partnerships,

desire to express your Eros and to be embraced as a sexual being,

if you want to cultivate awareness and presence in intimate experiences,

value trust, honesty, and unapologetic self-expression,

and envision a sexuality devoid of shame and guilt…

I wholeheartedly welcome you into this space!

In a LOVE TEMPLE we vibrate with love in the form of Eros, one of its most fascinating expressions.

Being strongly connected to our life-force, Eros impacts and influences our everyday choices playing a big role in our lives. Such energy can be medicine for the body and soul, filling our life with joy and pleasure. Yet, precicely because of its power, loads of fear, judgement, and shame can arise from the shadows, making it extremely heavy to hold and channel.

The Temple is a space to approach this force with consciousness, so that we step out of any story preventing us from embracing it in our full integrity.

What to

The way a Love Temple works is easy.

There is a common thread we dive into together and guided dynamics around it. Afterwards there is lots of (structured) space for free flow, where you can keep exploring according to what you feel and desire.

It’s an open playground with “themed stations” serving as inspiration to co-create your experience in synergy and connection with the group.

Eros means being met in intimacy by a loving presence. Although sex can be part of it, there are a lot of other possible ways of feeling and experiencing this, some subtle, others more intense. All those expressions are welcome and have a space in the Temple.

Everything can happen, but nothing has to happen.

for Real Unfolding

The intention is to connect with your higher self.
Love Temple is an experience where God’s eyes are present. It goes beyond our everyday affairs, being designed to serve our highest self and healing.

Clear guidelines and Boundaries.
These guidelines are communicated clearly to all participants and are encouraged consistently.

Provide a safe and supportive environment.
This includes creating a physically safe space as well as an emotionally supportive one.

Foster open communication.
Raw and radically honest expressions are welcome.

Practice consent culture.
Where a “maybe” is a “no”.

Promote self-awareness and self-care.
Supporting ownership of your own experience.

What is a

Love Temple Immersion is a unique multi-day experience inspired by the magic of Love Temples. It merges Love Temples, Tantric Practices, Contact Dance and Sensual Arts into an Immersion of deep liberation.

The days are filled with workshops, rituals, meditations, integration activities, heart sharing and shadow work. All of that to bring us closer to ourselves and ready to step into evenings of Love Temple flow in full authenticity.

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